Slideshow Wizard is a program that will let you create 3D flash slideshows, banners and photo galleries.
You will not need any Flash knowledge to do that.
This program can guide you through the entire process to create several types of flash animations, such as photo galleries, banner rotators, 3D Cubes, 3D Carousels and many more.
When the program starts, it will prompt you to choose the images that you want to include in your project. Then, you must select the type of slideshow you will create. From that moment on, the program will show you the way your movie will look in the central window .
You can assign a weblink or a JavaScript function that will be launched when the user clicks on it. Or you can tell the program to open a given weblink when someone clicks on any picture.
You can also change the background that your slideshow will have, choose a preloader (a tiny animation that will be shown while loading the slideshow), add MP3 or WAV music, animated effects or more images.
Once your project is finished, you can save your flash movie into an SWF file, with the images embedded or in a separate folder. You can also choose to embed the movie into an HTML page, the program will produce the HTML code needed to show the movie.
The trial version of this program will put the URL of the authors in the middle of each animation created.